
u:japan lectures – Harald Conrad: „Beauty and Money – Managing (Un)certainty in the Japanese Antique Art Trade“

Anlässlich der Vortragsreihe u:japan lectures am Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften – Japanologie der Universität Wien hält Prof. Harald Conrad von unserem Institut für Modernes Japan diesen Donnerstag, dem 06. Juni, einen Vortrag zum japanischen Antiquitätenhandel. Dieser kann auch online besucht werden.

Nähere Informationen finden sie untenstehend:

Harald Conrad:
„Beauty and Money – Managing (Un)certainty in the Japanese Antique Art Trade“

Datum und Zeit: Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2024, 18:00~19:30 (MESZ)

Ort: Campus der Universität Wien, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften, Abteilung Japanologie, Seminarraum JAP 1, 2K-EG-21, Erdgeschoss links, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2.4, 1090 Wien

Teilnahme am Vortrag auch über Zoom Meeting möglich (keine Anmeldung nötig):
Meeting-ID: 695 5461 4699 | PW: 303520

Abstract: More than other markets, art markets are often shrouded in mystery. How art is traded, valued, and exhibited is frequently shaped by complex cultural, social, and economic arrangements. Trading arrangements are, among other factors, shaped by market actors trying to address various sources of uncertainty: How should they value the objects of their trade, how can they shield themselves from the competition, and with whom and how do they cooperate?
This lecture by Harald Conrad (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany) investigates how Japanese antique art dealers confront such issues. While offering a rich description and analysis of a rather secretive Japanese market, this lecture will advance our understanding of how actors can actively shape market arrangements and find solutions to address the specific challenges of their domain. In the case of the Japanese antique art market such challenges include a high risk of fakes, a limited quantity of high-quality material, “wannabe” dealers and market outsiders, as well as dealers with “too much” money. Offering interview-based insights into the social world and beliefs of Japanese antique art dealers, the lecture will also discuss a globally unique and ingenious market device that combines auctions with lottery draws to manage “fair” dealers’ auctions.

Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden, das Abstract zum Vortrag sowie weitere Termine der u:japan lectures finden Sie unter: