Jobs und Berufseinstieg

Stellenausschreibung: Junior Researcher (Japan) bei Statista

Das Hamburger Statistik- und Marktforschungsunternehmen Statista sucht ab sofort Hochschulabsolvent*innen mit guten Japanischkenntnissen, um Stellen als „Junior Researcher Japan“ in der Asien-Pazifik-Rechercheabteilung zu besetzen. Unten finden Sie den Ausschreibungstext (Englisch) im Original.

Your tasks

  • Conducting data research on key industries with a regional focus on Japan
  • Creating online statistical content covering the leading industries on the Japanese market
  • Developing in-depth knowledge on current socioeconomic and industrial topics
  • Processing, archiving and publishing data in English via the platform, following Statista’s editorial style
  • Managing web content using Statista’s own content management system (CMS)
  • Monitoring data usage and keeping the database up-to-date

Your profile

  • Successful completion of undergraduate studies
  • Exceptional written and spoken English skills; first editorial experience in English
  • Good written and spoken Japanese skills
  • General knowledge of Japan and the Japanese market
  • Ability to describe complicated data in a concise and comprehensible manner
  • Structured, organized and independent working style with attention to quality, detail and accuracy

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