Jobs und Berufseinstieg

Job-Messe in London

Im November 2019 findet in London die Job-Messe „Connect job Europe 2019“ statt, auf der verschiedene japanische Firmen Mitarbeiter*innen aus Europa rekrutieren. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, an dieser Messe teilzunehmen, finden Sie hier den Ausschreibungstext auf Englisch und Japanisch:

Hello, this is Connect Job agent from Tokyo.

We’re happy to announce that pre-registration for our biggest career fair, Connect job Europe 2019 (former TOP CAREER Europe), is now underway!

What is Connect job Europe, you ask? It’s an interview fair in London planned and hosted by Connect Job Agent. Many renowned Japanese corporations come to recruit international students from all over Europe (both Japanese and non-Japanese students) who are interested in working in Japan!

And this event is not just any career fair. You will have the opportunity to take on-sight interviews with participating companies, with the chance to receive a job offer during the two days event.

“Connect job Europe” is the biggest event of its kind in all of Europe! This year, we are expecting around 15 companies to join the event. For the past years, we had companies such as Amazon, JT, NTT Communications, Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, RECRUIT, SoftBank, Tokio Marine Nichido, HITACHI, etc.

Connect Job Agent serves as a bridge between students and companies, supporting you all the way through to the final selection stage.

Special Features:
– To apply, all you need is your CV
– Travel scholarship (up to £220) will be provided to all the participants*
* In order to attend the event, you need to pass a Skype interview with a Connect Job Agent, prior to the fair
– Opportunities to receive an offer within two days (depending on the company)
– All the positions are full-time and for Japan Headquarters.
– Career counselling and preparation sessions for interviews are available on Friday 8th Nov, by Connect job agent, for all the participants
– Some companies at Connect job Europe 2019 won’t attend other career fairs

Participating Companies 2019 (as of now) :
ANA (All Nippon Airways), KPMG, Mitsui Estate, MRI (Mitsubishi Research Institute), Mitsubishi Estate, NGK Spark Plug, JTEKT, SEGA, JR-East, KOBELKO, Tokio Marine Nichido, Seino Holdings, Uchimura, etc.
This will update as new companies are confirmed.

Date and Time:
Saturday 9th November & Sunday 10th November: 9:30 ~ 18:00
<Day 1 – November 9th>
Corporate Presentations & Interviews
<Day 2 – November 10th>
2nd Interviews for those who passed the day before


1st deadline- End of September
2nd deadline – October 22nd Sunday

How to apply:
Apply from the link below

FB page:

We hope to receive your application soon!
みなさん、こんにちは!Connect Job Agent から、トップ企業と最短距離で繋がる選考会イベント「Connect job Europe 2019」の申込み受付開始をお知らせします!!



また、TOP CAREER Europeではご参加頂ける方々全員にトラベルスカラシップを支給しています。参加者全員への支給はTOP CAREER Europeのみ!是非こちらもお見逃しなく!


【Connect Job Europe 2019の魅力】
〇一次審査(書類審査、Connect JobスタッフとのSkype面接)を通過した方全員にトラベル・スカラシップを支給(~£220)
〇イベント前日(8日)に面接対策会を開催、Connect Job Agentが内定獲得までを全力でサポートします!!

<1日目> 企業説明会&面接
<2日目> 面接






Connect Job Agent事務局